Publisher: Orhan Hacihasanoglu
Journals of Design Studio
V1 N1 - 2019 July
1. Ilgi Toprak,
Editorial_3-4 PDF
2. Orhan Hacihasanoglu,
Architectural Design Studio Culture_5-15 PDF
3. Arwa Elmashharawi,
Biophilic Design for Bringing Educational Spaces to Life_16-21 PDF
4. Aseel A. Abdullah,
Computational Approach and Morphogenesis: Role of nature in concept generation process in design and architecture_22-28 PDF
4. Ä°lgi Toprak, Orhan Hacihasanoglu,
Architectural Design Products of Students at Istanbul Fine Arts Academy in 1930’ s_29-36 PDF
5. Zahraa Alkhaled,
Contemporary Mosques Conventional and Innovative Approach in Mosque Design at Turkey_7-44 PDF
6. Valerio Musiitwa,
Obsolete? Relevance of the Architect’s Role and the Changing Nature of the Architectural Profession_45-53 PDF